Wednesday 20 February 2013

My First Step

As of today, I have decided to start a blog chronicling my life as I try to act like an adult, become a world renowned makeup artist and find out how to be me.  This blog will track all of my goals, which ones I reach, which ones I ditch and the ones I didn't even know I had.

A bit of history before the goals:

A month ago I quit my job.  I worked too hard, didn't like the people I worked with and it was doing nothing for me.  I currently live alone, with 2 cats of my own and 1 stray cat that found her way into my house this winter.  I'm turning 27 in just over a week and still feel like I'm 12.

I'm a trained makeup artist that had to take a year off to help raise her nephews and niece.  I lived in Vancouver for a few years and I was doing very well there.  I haven't been doing anything since I moved back here....

I recently went to the bank where I learned I have zero credit history.  A clean slate.  What better time to make something of my life then now?

My goals:

1) Clean my house and get room mates.  I own far too much stuff and I can't seem to get rid of any of it.  the house is a 5 bedroom monster, so there's no reason for me to pay all the costs!

2) Build my portfolio with new amazing photos.

3) Land my first paying job here in Edmonton.

4) Lose a few inches.

5) Save up $20 000.

The steps I have taken:

1) I bought garbage bags and requested the use of a truck this weekend from father.

2) Contacting photographers on sites such as ModleMayhem.

3) Joined the gym

4) I opened 2 savings accounts at the bank, each one takes $25 dollars a month from my account.

Steps I need to take:

1) Clean the rooms, starting with the kitchen and bathrooms.

2) Buy some cleaning supplies!

3) Contact models.

4) Contacts photographers that may not be on sites like MM

5) Get a credit card!

Now there's nothing left to do but get to work and give it my all.
